How is online learning system transforming the education industry?

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Online learning transforming education
Technological advancement has contributed to the rapid growth of online learning. We realized the importance of eLearning during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was during this time that educational institutions started being dependent on online learning systems. With schools and colleges being shut due to lockdown, the only way to continue studies was online; technology has been a lifesaver in the time of crisis.

Today, online learning has completely transformed the way of providing education. Students are now learning without leaving home, with the help of smartphones, computers, or laptops. Earlier, students used to get up early in the morning for school, but now it is a common sight to see students attending their classes by sitting in front of their electronic gadgets.

Is Online Learning the new normal?

In the year 2020, online learning gradually gained popularity. With everything being shut down due to the pandemic, the education system has been dependent on e-learning. In the beginning, adapting to the online learning system proved to be quite a challenge, but once students got used to it, it was an easy ride. However, we should understand that everything has its pros and cons and online learning is not an exception. Advantages of online learning include efficiency, accessibility, affordability, enhanced student performance, and attendance. Disadvantages include short attention span, technical difficulty, managing screen time, and teacher training issues.

Digital learning has become a necessity all over the world. In recent times, the demand for online learning has increased rapidly. Despite all the disadvantages, educational institutions have to rely on online learning because the pandemic has not yet subsided.

How Online Learning is transforming education?

Listed below are some of the ways through which online learning is transforming the education system:

  • Online Classroom: Earlier, teachers were doubtful about the success of online learning. Initially, it was confusing, but slowly and gradually, students and teachers got accustomed to it. It turned out to be quite productive as teachers were able to share lots of content and learning resources online.
  • Productivity: With online learning, teachers noted perceptible improvement in students’ performances. Students became productive at home because they could devote more time to their studies as they no longer needed to travel to and from school.
  • Learning on the go: Since the time online learning has started, students can study from anywhere, even while traveling. This has made learning quite easy and effective.
  • Beyond Academics: The online learning system gave students the opportunity to connect with their parents as they got to spend more time at home.

Online learning has become a blessing in disguise. No one knew that during the difficult pandemic times online learning would prove to be a valuable resource. All thanks to technology, which made education easier for teachers, parents, and students.


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