Regional planning relates to:
(b) Area specific approach of development
ITDP refers to which one of the following?
(d) Integrated Transport Development Programme
Which one of the following is the most crucial factor for sustainable development in Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area?
(d) Colonisation of land
What are the social benefits of ITDP in the Bharmaur Tribal Region?
The tribal development programme in Bharmaur region has resulted in development of infrastructure like schools, healthcare facilities, potable water, roads, communications and electricity. It has raised the standard of living of Gaddi People. Female literacy rate has increased and tranhumance has reduced.
Define the concept of sustainable development.
It pleads for the conservation of resources to enable the future generations to use these resources. It takes into account the development of the whole humankind which have common future.
What are the positive impacts of irrigation on Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area?
This canal will extend the irrigation facilities in this region. Canal irrigation will transform its ecology, economy and society. Due to irrigation, crops will be grown successfully, like wheat, cotton, groundnut, and rice.
Write short notes on drought prone area programme. How do this programme helps in the development of dryland agriculture in India?
Drought prone area Programmes have been started in areas which get annual rainfall of less than 50 cms. and have an irrigated area of less than 30 per cent. These will provide facilities of irrigation, land development, forestry, grassland development and rural infrastructural facilities of roads, markets, electricity, etc. In such areas Agro-climatic planning will also be done to meet the shortage of moisture. Rain harvesting programmes will also be started. Due to irrigation facilites, these areas will not be affected by droughts. Dry farming will be practised so that crops which can stand dry conditions can be grown.
Suggest the measures of promotion of sustainability in Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area.
Measures for Promotion of Sustainable Development in Indira Canal Command Area. The ecological sustainability of Indira Gandhi Canal Project has been questioned by various scholars. Their point of view has also been largely validated by the course of development this region has taken during the last four decades, which has resulted in degradation of physical environment. It is a hard fact that attaining sustainable development in the command area requires major thrust upon the measures to achieve ecological sustainability. Hence, five of the seven measures proposed to promote sustainable development in the command area are meant to restore ecological balance.