AASOKA Learning and Teaching Solution is an integrated blended learning solution that aims to deliver a research-based customised curriculum for students of K-12. We have made our educational resources accessible and affordable for every child to empower schools across India. With strong roots in EdTech, educational assets and academic research, we enjoy a significant presence in the field of education. AASOKA is created by the in-house research team utilising learning design principles. Our learner-centric teaching resources enable educators and facilitators to ensure effective teaching practices.

The model curriculum at AASOKA is in line with NEP (National Education Policy) 2020 which makes learning an interactive, engaging, creative and meaningful process for students. Our hybrid learning solutions focus on scholastic and co-scholastic development to create effective and successful learning outcomes.

MBD's experience of over six decades in the education sector has been a continuous journey in understanding the challenges faced by educational institutions. AASOKA has been developed to meet the diverse requirements pertaining to teaching and learning management. It has been a reliable assistant to educational institutions in delivering customised education to transform schools into technology-enabled schools.