NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Geography Chapter 12 - Introduction to Maps

Question 1:

Which one of the following is essential for the network of lines and polygons to be called a map?

  1. Map Legend
  2. Symbols
  3. North Direction
  4. Map Scale

(d). Map Scale

Question 2:

A map bearing a scale of 1 : 4000 and larger is called :

  1. Cadastral map
  2. Topographical map
  3. Wall map
  4. Atlas map

(a). Cadastral map

Question 3:

Which one of the following is NOT an essential element of maps?

  1. Map Projection
  2. Map Generalisation
  3. Map Design
  4. History of Maps

(d). History of Maps

Question 4:

What is map generalisation?


"A simplified representation of the features on the map is called map generalisation. It should be appropriate to its scale or purposes."

Question 5:

Why is map design important?


The map design is a complex aspect of map making. It requires a thorough understanding of the principle of map making.

Question 6:

Present a concise account of aerial photography in India?


(i) Wall maps – used in class rooms.
(ii) Atlas maps – very small scale maps.

Question 7:

List out two major types of large scale maps.


(i) Cadastral maps
(ii) Topographical maps.

Question 8:

How is a map different from a sketch?


Map is prepared over scale, but a sketch has no scale. It is fine hand drawing.

Question 9:

How is a map different from a sketch?


Map is prepared over scale, but a sketch has no scale. It is fine hand drawing.

Question 10:

Classify maps. Describe these briefly.
Write an explanatory account of types of maps.


Maps are as old as civilisation. The people of ancient civilisation like Hindus, Greeks, Romans etc. were familiar with art of map making. However, the earliest maps were rough sketches of local areas. Maps can be classified on the following two bases :
(i) According to Scale
(ii) According to Purpose.
(A) According to Scale
1. Small scale maps. These maps are smaller in size. They have a scale smaller than 1 inch :16 miles. World maps, wall maps and Atlas maps are small scale maps.
2. Large scale maps. These maps show more details as they are larger in size. These have a scale of 6'' : 1 mile. These show the details of buildings and property. Thus, maps are of the following four types on the basis of scale :
(i) Cadastral maps. These show full details of buildings and properties and are known as ‘plans’.
(ii) Topographical maps. Survey of Indian department prepares these maps on a scale of 1 : 50,000 or 1 inch : 1 mile. These are large scale maps showing the natural and man made features of an area.
(iii) Wall maps. These are small scale maps used for educational purposes.
(iv) Atlas maps. These are small scale maps, bound together in the form of an Atlas. These are best suited for educational purposes. As Time Atlas of world on a R.F. of : 1,000,000.
(B) According to Purpose. Different types of physical and cultural maps are prepared according to their purpose.
1. Physical Maps.
(i) Relief maps. These show the relief features,